oemof: open energy modeling framework

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    Project term:

    Fortlaufendes Projekt


    Thermal Systems, System Integration, Climate Protection


    Günther, Stephan

    Collaboration with:

    The Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof) is a tool for modelling and analyzing energy systems. It is an open-source software which is composed of flexible modules and can thus be compiled according to different specific needs. This makes it very useful for inter-sector studies. 

    Currently, research results are very often based on calculations made with energy system models. The details of these models very often remain in the shadows of research institutions, making it difficult for other researchers to understand and verify research results. If system models are inaccurate, the mistakes will not be detected and the whole reliability of the results could be at stake. Also, similar models are developed at different institutions at the same time, instead of joining forces and creating a shared reliable code base.