- Team
- Professors
- Research associates
- Blohm, Marina
- Braunger, Isabell
- Büttner, Clara
- Corral-Montoya, Felipe
- Cußmann, Ilka
- Dettner, Franziska
- Epia, Carlos
- Esterl, Katharina
- Fleischer, Christian
- Freißmann, Jonas
- Fritz, Malte
- Furnaro-Lobos, Andrea
- Graser, Georg
- Hackenberg, Tabitha
- Hanto, Jonathan
- Hasan, Mominul
- Herpich, Philipp
- Hilpert, Simon
- Irmansyah Siregar, Yudha
- Koepchen, Marius
- Krumm, Alexandra
- Laros, Simon
- Müller, Ulf Philipp
- Quiceno Soto, Grace
- Sadat, Fahim
- Stognief, Nora
- Walk, Paula
- Weber, Samanta Alena
- Weishaupt, Tim
- Former colleagues
- Bohm, Sönke
- Boie, Wulf
- Born, Jens
- Boysen, Cynthia
- Bunke, Wolf-Dieter
- Günther, Stephan
- Jahn, Martin
- Kaldemeyer, Cord
- Köster, Hannah
- Md Nasimul Islam Maruf
- Movsessian, Maria
- Reincke, Kristian
- Sadat, Fahim
- Schirrmacher, Julia
- Stefan, Torsten
- Struve, Achim
- Söthe, Martin
- Wiechers, Eva
- Wingenbach, Clemens
- Wingenbach, Marion
- Witte, Francesco
- Research
- Publications
- Teaching
Samanta Alena Weber, M. Eng.

Contact data |
Phone | +49 (0) 461 805 17454 |
samanta-alena.weber [at] hs-flensburg.de | |
Street | Kanzleistraße 91-93 |
ZIP, City | D-24943 Flensburg |
Department | Department of Energy and Biotechnology |
Building | H |
Room | H 313 |
Research |
University | Flensburg University of Applied Sciences |
After graduating successfully (Abitur) in the language profile in 2015, Samanta Alena Weber (née Rohm) studied in the bachelor’s programme “Energy Sciences” with the major field of studies “Renewable Energy Technologies” at the University of Applied Sciences in Flensburg (FUAS). She was active in the “Mentoring” programme as well as in tutoring and as an undergraduate assistant in a number of fields. Her bachelor thesis, for which she cooperated with the local public utility (Stadtwerke Flensburg GmbH), was honoured with the 1st place of the VR-Bank-Hochschulpreis 2019. The bachelor thesis analyses the coupling of the long-distance heating network within Flensburg with a combined cycle gas turbine with the possibility of fast starts. After her bachelor degree, Samanta Weber continued her studies in the master programme “Systemtechnologies” at the FUAS.
Since the winter semester 2019/2020, she holds practical exercises for the field of heat and matter transmission for the bachelor programme “Energy Sciences”.
Simultaneously, she took up her position in the project Energy Efficient Energy supply for the Central Clinic (EEKlin) as research associate in the Department for Energy and Biotechnologies at FUAS. In the project, an analysis of specific processes in hospitals regarding their efficiency was conducted, aiming to operate the new Central Hospital, currently being built at the Peelwatt in Flensburg, more efficiently and with less CO2 impact. The project was completed successfully by the end of 2021.
For her master thesis within the project, titled Application of the Physical Optimum to technical energy processes in hospitals, Samanta Weber was awarded the Dr.-Hans-Adolf-Rossen-Prize 2020. Additionally, she received the Deutschland Scholarship three times while studying for a degree.
Presently, she works as a graduate assistant in the follow-up project Application of hydrogen for the Central Clinic (H2-Klin), which deals with the potential of the supply with green hydrogen in the new Central Hospital.
Furthermore, she works for the project Scenario development of the emission-optimised energy supply of a city with long-distance heating (CERO2) in a renewed cooperation with the local public utility, namely the Stadtwerke Flensburg, aiming to do her doctorate in this field. In this project, options for the decarbonisation of the long distance heating in Flensburg are analysed, e.g. regarding further feed-in options and alternative energy carriers.
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